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vol 2

‘R’ class Zeppelins





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1974-1920 L'extraorinaire aventure des ballons dirigeables


Une vieille idée moderne



News 2008   News 2008  News 2008  News 2008

1 N-605SK SKS600 1215/05 Airship Industries /AMS Inc Lindau (Oct 2008) Switzerland
2 N-606SA SKS600 1215/06 Airship Industries /AMS Inc Surveillance TRINITAD & TOBAGO
3 N-602SK SKS600 1215/07 Airship Industries /AMS Inc White enveloppe  (US-navy 2008) USA
4 N-2012P A60+ 01 American Blimp Corp / HDO .............. USA
5 N-560VL A60+ 05 American Blimp Corp / TLG METLIFE  Snoopy 1 USA
6 N-660LG A60+ 06 American Blimp Corp / TLG HOOD USA
7 B-9008 A60+ 16 American Blimp Corp / TLG GOODYEAR CHINA
8 N-610LG A60+ 10 American Blimp Corp / TLG HORIZON USA
9 JA-12ZP A60+ 12 American Blimp Corp / TLG NISSEN 2008 JAPAN
10 N-614LG A60+ 14 American Blimp Corp / TLG ..............
11 N-615LG A60+ 15 American Blimp Corp / TLG METLIFE  Snoopy 2 USA
12 N-607LG A60+ 17 American Blimp Corp / HDO OUTBACK USA
13 N-618LG A60+ 18 American Blimp Corp ???? USA
14 N-151AB A150 01 American Blimp Corp / TLG METLIFE Snoopy-3  USA
15 PR-ANA A150 02 American Blimp Corp / TLG GOODYEAR BRAZIL
16 N-155LG A150 05 American Blimp Corp / TLG ...............
17 N-156LG A170 01 American Blimp Corp / TLG M Ressort USA
18 N-154ZP A170-02 American Blimp Corp / TLG DIRECTV USA
19 MZ-3A A170G  American Blimp Corp  US-NAVY USA
20 N-818AC A40D AEROS .............. USA
21 N-819AC A40D AEROS BERET Airlines CHINA
22 N-820AC A40D AEROS ............. USA
23 JA-101Z NT07-100 02 ZEPPELIN NT Skycruise for NAC JAPAN
25 N-704LZ NT07-100 04 ZEPPELIN NT  (ex Airship Ventures USA
29 REF00034R AU11 ROSAEROSYSTEMS .............. RUSSIA
33 RA-01944 AU30 01 ROSAEROSYSTEMS Advertising RUSSIA
34 N-6542B POLAR-400 BLACKWATER Test flight USA
35 B-636L HJ-2000 HUAJIAO AIRSHIP Advertising CHINA
36 B-9004 HJ-2000A HUAJIAO AIRSHIP Advertising CHINA
37 B-9006 CA-80 VANTAGE AIRSHIP Advertising CHINA
38 N-8041X SPAS70 TECHSPHERE Test flight USA
39 03-VS V900 VOLIRIS New gondola Sept/Oct-2008 FRANCE
41 N-791LM P791 LOCKHEED MARTIN Test flight USA
42 W92NC SkyBike Hervé KUHLMANN Test flight FRANCE
43 D-LDFR WDL-1b WDL WDL trainning for China Germany and China
44 D-LDFP WDL-1b WDL Shipping for China China
45 D-LDFQ WDL-1b WDL Shipping for China China
Décembre     - - -     December   >>>>>>  2008

L'association "ARDHAN" et Robert FEUIILOY nous font un très beau cadeaux pour ce NOËL.


Un livre à livre pour enfin découvrir les nombreux dirigeables utilisés par la MARINE NATIONALE de 1915 à 1937.

Un livre incontournable et indispensable pour les passionnés.

Format A4 relié, 456 pages, parution Décembre 2008.


FORT LAUDERDALE, FL DECEMBER 11, 2008 Sanswire Corp. (Pink Sheets: SNSR) today

announced that the company has delivered an additional UAV study following the initial payload integration

study prepared for Global Telesat Corp. (GTC), a provider of satellite-based tracking and monitoring

services and satellite-based airtime to government and commercial end users. This overall capabilities

study was requested due to GTC’s heightened interest in joint venture Sanswire-TAO’s,, original study regarding its lighter than air (LTA) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)




FT. LAUDERDALE, FL DECEMBER 9, 2008 Sanswire Corp. (Pink Sheets: SNSR),

announced that it has completed a series of flight tests of a new segmented airship design based on a single

swiveling engine technology that incorporates a vector thrust propulsion application. The testing follows a

private placement through European investors earmarked exclusively for further development and testing of

Sanswire-TAO’s patented, segmented Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) at the Stuttgart facility. Sanswire-TAO

Corp.,, is a joint venture between the Company and TAO Technologies GmbH.



Novembre     - - -     November   >>>>>>  2008

Zeppelin (Skyship 600) cherche champ de trèfles

«J’ai besoin d’un terrain plat de 500 mètres de diamètre dépendant d’un aérodrome pour installer au plus vite le dirigeable «Skyship 600. » Christian Schulthess, 53 ans, patron de Skycruise à Lindau (ZH), lance un cri d’alarme. Le dernier dirigeable basé en Suisse risque de finir son existence dans des cartons, si aucun terrain d’aviation n’accepte de prendre en pension l’encombrant ballon et ses 7000 m³ d’hélium. «Pas question de le dégonfler, rien que le gaz vaut 100 000 francs. »

Mais depuis fin 2007, le «Skyship 600» n’a plus volé malgré un palmarès impressionnant: premier vol habité pendant l’Expo. 02, surveillance aérienne lors des JO d’Athènes, de nombreuses campagnes de pub en Pologne.

Aujourd’hui, le cahier de commandes est vide et Skycruise emploie encore 5 personnes. «Nous avons dû quitter la base de Buochs (NW). Une partie du terrain changeait d’affectation. »

dübendorf dit non

Depuis, a révélé le Tages-Anzeiger, le dirigeable a trouvé asile dans le champ d’un paysan de Lindau. «La réglementation aérienne nous empêche de le faire voler depuis une prairie sans rapport avec un aérodrome», souligne le patron de Skycruise, un ex-pilote de ligne.


Le skyship 600 N-605SK à trouvé refuge pour quelques semaines dans le hangar ZEPPELIN de FRIEDRICHSHAFEN.


Unterschlupf für den Zeppelin

Vier Wochen lang war er eine Attraktion in Lindau: der Zeppelin der Firma Skycruise. In Friedrichshafen kann er nun überwintern, doch seine Zukunft sieht düster aus.

Genau vier Wochen ist es her, seit der «Lindauer Zeppelin» Bauer Islers Wiese verlassen hat und in eine ungewisse Zukunft geflogen ist (der ZO/AvU berichtete). Was ist seither mit ihm passiert?
Der Zeppelin der Lindauer Firma Skycruise Switzerland flog nach Friedrichshafen und fand dort ein warmes Plätzchen zum Überwintern. «Wir haben bis zum 31. März 2009 einen Vertrag mit einem Hangar», gibt Christian Schulthess von Skycruise auf Anfrage bekannt. Ob der Zeppelin allerdings wirklich bis im Frühling im Hangar bleibt, ist höchst ungewiss. «Wir brauchen zusätzliche finanzielle Mittel», sagt Schulthess.


Octobre     - - -     October   >>>>>>  2008

















Majestic airship lands at Moffett Field      10/25/2008

For the first time in 71 years, a rigid air ship was coursing American skies, floating up this time from Salinas like a majestic, singular cloud. It passed over ocean whales and children playing Saturday soccer games, and literally bowed to a gawking crowd on the Golden Gate Bridge. Then, in the afternoon, it languidly touched down at one of its new local terminals — the tarmac of Moffett Field in Mountain View.

Grins. Handshakes. Champagne. Pilot Kate Broad celebrated by firing up a cigarette.

It had all gone, to put it mildly, a heck of lot smoother than the last time a zeppelin had come to the U.S. from Germany.

That was 1937, when the airship Hindenburg caught fire and exploded as it landed in New Jersey after a transatlantic flight. This was the 246-foot-long Airship Ventures Zeppelin NT, the world's largest, making its maiden Bay Area voyage. >>>more


Zeppelins return to the skies in San Francisco   10/25/2008

SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Zeppelins, the giant floating airships used to carry passengers and drop bombs until the 1930s, haven't been seen in American skies for more than 70 years.

Now, a California company is bringing the iconic aircraft back to the United States, with plans to offer aerial tours of the San Francisco Bay area in a newly built zeppelin. It's one of just three in the world; the others are in Germany and Japan.

Airship Ventures Inc.'s zeppelin arrived in the Bay Area on Saturday, passing over the Golden Gate Bridge en route to its new home at Moffett Field, a former naval air station in Mountain View, about 40 miles south of San Francisco.

Fifteen feet longer than a Boeing 747, the 246-foot-long Zeppelin NT (New Technology) was built in Hamburg, Germany, and transported by container ship to Beaumont, Texas, before a cross-country flight to California.

Though they may look like blimps, zeppelins have rigid internal frames that are covered with a canvas hull.

Starting Friday, Airship Ventures will offer rides that provide a bird's-eye view of Napa and Sonoma wine country, the Big Sur coastline, San Francisco and other parts of the Bay Area. The cabin holds 12 passengers and two crew members, and tickets start at $495 per person for an one-hour ride.

"It's a way to see the world in a way that you haven't experienced it before," said Brian Hall, a software entrepreneur who started the company last year with his wife, Alexandra. "In a zeppelin, you're flying low and slow. You're going at a leisurely pace. You're seeing things that you wouldn't see from the road."









Essais en vol du VOLIRIS-900avec sa nouvelle nacelle.

Depuis quelques mois des modifications sont réalisées afin d'augmenter les performances du dirigeable Classe 5 Ulm VOLIRIS-900.

Voir les photos sur le site du constructeur  >>>    et









Après 2 ans d'absence, un dirigeable WDL vole à nouveau dans le ciel de MULHEIM.

Le blimp WDL D-LDFR (dernier vol en 1999 pour TV-Movies) actuellement aux couleurs de "WDL" son constructeur effectue des vols avec passagers en Septembre et terminera l'opération Mi-Octobre ensuite l'appareil sera démonter et transporté en China avec 2 autres dirigeables, tous du type WDL-1b les D-LDFQ et D-LDFP. 

Un blimp WDL, le D-LDFO (ex FUJI) devrait revoler en Europe en 2009.


Septembre     - - -     September   >>>>>>  2008

Pedal-Powered Blimp Can't Cross the Channel

When Yves Rossy crossed the English Channel last week with his flying wing, he made it look easy. But it isn't. Just ask Stephane Rousson.

Rousson, a 39-year-old Frenchman whose unyielding obsession with flight has depleted his bank account and ruined his romantic life, attempted yesterday to cross The English Channel in a pedal-powered airship. He was forced to deflate his blimp and continue to France in a boat after a shift in winds made it impossible for him to progress, no matter how hard he pedaled.

"We were about three-quarters of the way across but the wind was flowing in the wrong direction for me to make it across," he said. "I'm not disappointed. I feel happy because it had nothing to do with any technical failure, it was purely the wind that got int the way of this achievement."

Rousson's singular focus on flight also seems to be taking over his life. "All of my money has gone into this," he says. I'm in quite a bit of debt." He was also dumped by his girlfriend; presumably he loves his blimp more than he loves her.


Photos Copyright Stéphane Rousson





Le Français Stéphane Rousson échoue à franchir la Manche en ballon à pédales

Le Français Stéphane Rousson, 39 ans, a échoué dimanche dans sa tentative de franchir la Manche en dirigeable à pédales en raison de vents défavorables, et laissé entendre qu'il ne ferait pas de nouvelles tentatives dans l'immédiat, faute de moyens financiers.

Ce passionné de sports extrêmes d'origine niçoise est apparu fatigué mais tout sourire à son arrivée dans le port de plaisance de Calais (Pas-de-Calais), après avoir amerri à 10 milles nautiques (environ 18 km) des côtes françaises et embarqué son dirigeable dans un navire de soutien.

"Tout a fonctionné comme ça devait fonctionner. Manque de bol, on s'est pris un vent de face à 10 milles nautiques (de l'arrivée), impossible à passer. C'est la météo qui décide", a-t-il déclaré après près de huit heures de pédalage au-dessus de la Manche.

Vers 16H00, son équipe avait annoncé que la tentative avait avorté en raison de vents contraires qui repoussaient le dirigeable vers l'Angleterre, d'où il s'était envolé dimanche matin vers 08H15 (09H15 heure française).

Depuis son décollage de la plage de Hythe, près de Douvres (sud-est de l'Angleterre), Stéphane Rousson avait accumulé un retard important sur son plan de vol en raison de vents faibles, puis contraires.

Il aurait normalement dû se poser sur la plage de Wissant (Pas-de-Calais) vers 14H00 heure française, soit un vol d'environ cinq heures.

Les essais ont montré, selon lui, que le vent maximum pour un vol sûr est de seulement 4 noeuds (un peu plus de 7 km/h), alors que les vents coupaient sa trajectoire à près de 10 noeuds dimanche.
"Je suis quand même super content parce que j'ai huit heures de pédalage. J'ai super bien géré les problèmes de crampe grâce aux conseils de nutritionnistes et de médecins du sport et je me massais régulièrement. Mais demain je ne marcherai sûrement pas", a-t-il expliqué.
Il a également laissé entendre qu'il ne ferait pas de nouvel essai à court terme, faute d'argent et de temps.
Sa première tentative, le 10 juin, avait déjà échoué en raison du vent.
Stéphane Rousson prépare ses vols en dirigeable monoplace à pédales depuis 2003.
Embarqué dans une nacelle évoluant à environ 30 mètres au-dessus de l'eau, il pédale, en position couchée, pour faire tourner deux hélices indépendantes de 3 mètres de diamètre. Son dirigeable fait 160 m3, 16 mètres de long et pèse 80 kilos à vide.
En 1979, un cycliste américain, Brian Allen, avait réussi la première traversée de la Manche à bord d'un avion à pédales.
En mars 1993, Nicolas Hulot et Gérard Feldzer avaient, eux, échoué dans leur tentative de traverser l'Atlantique à bord d'un dirigeable biplace à pédales de 900 m3 après 1.500 km de vol, près des îles du Cap Vert.

La tentative malheureuse de Stéphane Rousson intervient trois jours après l'exploit d'Yves Rossy, dit "Fusionman", un pilote suisse qui a franchi la Manche avec une aile en carbone munie de quatre réacteurs fixée sur son dos.

Le Français Louis Blériot était devenu en 1909 le premier à traverser la Manche à bord d'un avion, en 37 minutes.


Juillet     - - -     July   >>>>>>  2008

Sanswire Partner Tao Technologies Files Patent Application Covering New Airship Design
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., July 28, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Sanswire-TAO Corp., the joint venture equally owned by TAO Technologies GmbH and the Sanswire subsidiary of GlobeTel Communications Corp. (Other OTC:GTEM.PK - News), today announced that Dr. Bernd Kroplin, president of TAO Technologies, filed a patent application in Germany for ``Segmented Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Equipped With Energy Medium.'' A registration number of 10 2008 002 939.4 was assigned to the patent >>>more



Blimp surveys for smugglers in Florida Straits

MIAMI (AFP) - A mainstay at sporting events and rock concerts, an airship once used to survey mass revelry on land is currently scanning the open waters of the Florida straits for drug smugglers and illegal migrants.

The 197-foot (60-meter) Skyship 600 blimp, adorned with a US flag where it once wore an advertisement for Fuji Film, is part of a joint US Navy and Coast Guard pilot program to introduce airships to their surveillance of the straits.

The blimp, leased by the US government at a cost of 1.6 million dollars for the six-week trial, is equipped with radar, infrared cameras and other sensors to help vessels at sea track boats smuggling illegal migrants or drugs in the waters separating the tip of Florida and Cuba some 90 miles (145 kilometers) away.>>>more


Zeppelin Flies Over London Again

Ashish Joshi, Sky News reporter

The last time German Zeppelin airships cast their long shadows over London, citizens dived for cover.

Now the mighty airship is soaring high above the capital's skyline again.

And this time the only telescopic sights being trained on the nation's favourite landmarks are attached to cameras.

I was lucky enough to be invited aboard the new generation Zeppelin. I was assured the latest model, NT07, is safer and more advanced than earlier models, such as the Hindenburg which famously crashed in New Jersey in 1937!

The giant helium-filled balloon is bigger than a 747. But the cabin, known as a gondola, is not even 10-metres long.

Inside, it's light and airy. Enormous panoramic windows offer passengers a 360-degree view. And because it seats only 12, everyone on board is guaranteed a window to themselves.

Because the airship is lighter than air, balance is the key. We embarked two at a time but only when a pair got off at the same time. >>>more



A 22 meter long airship, originally developed by balloonist and adventurer Per Lindstrand, could become the latest addition to BAE Systems growing portfolio of autonomous systems.

The GA22 airship, perfect for deployment into roles such as communications relay stations, will be updated and adapted to carry payloads, such as high tech surveillance equipment at up to 150 kilograms in weight, to heights of more than 6,500 feet

BAE Systems plan to integrate their existing Unmanned Autonomous Systems into the GA22 making the technology more accessible to potential users.

“Strategically, GA22 fits perfectly into the autonomous fleet that we are developing“said Richard Williams, Director of Civil Autonomous Systems at BAE Systems “The new vehicle has the possibility of opening up a range of markets for BAE Systems.  It has a range of unique capabilities and we have identified a number of roles at major events, from sporting occasions to floods and forest fires, for which GA22 is ideal”.

BAE Systems designers and engineers have worked with Lindstrand Technologies to update the original design.  GA22 will be able to carry high-tech surveillance equipment, including a payload of up to 150 kilograms, to heights of more than 6,500ft.  In addition, it is being made from a newer and lighter material, which improves the airship’s performance. At the moment GA22 is radio controlled, but the plan is to make it fully autonomous.

Richard continued: “Even more exciting are the long-term prospects for success. I have no doubt that GA22 can make a significant contribution to our civil autonomous systems business,” Richard concludes.

BAE Systems is harnessing its company-wide expertise in unmanned air systems (UAS) as part of a sharply focussed strategy to become a major player in what is poised to become a multi-billion dollar a year international market.

A newly formed global UAS strategy team, headed by Mark Kane, who leads the Company’s UK UAS activities, will allow the individual strengths of BAE Systems’ businesses around the world to support each other in securing UAS contracts in the Company’s home markets and beyond. 

The market for military unmanned air vehicles is growing so fast that estimates of its size become out of date almost as soon as they are published. The Global UAS Strategy Team is aiming to make sure that in coming years, an ever increasing portion of that business comes to BAE Systems.


About BAE Systems

BAE Systems is the premier global defence and aerospace company delivering a full range of products and services for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, information technology solutions and customer support services. With 97,500 employees worldwide, BAE Systems' sales exceeded £15.7 billion (US $31.4 billion) in 2007.


Le retour en grâce du dirigeable      mercredi 09 juillet 2008 | Le Parisien

Il a eu son heure de gloire et pourrait redevenir utile pour le transport de fret. Une étude du conseil régional montre les nouveaux intérêts du dirigeable.

IL EST GROS. Il est lent. Mais il est tellement dans l'air du temps.

Le dirigeable pourrait redevenir un moyen de transport efficace pour le fret. Et l'Ile-de-France compte bien être sa terre de renaissance.

Hier, le conseil régional a rendu public une étude économique et technique réalisée par le cabinet Ernst & Young. Celle-ci envisage - à l'horizon de quinze à vingt ans, et à certaines conditions - un retour des zeppelins au-dessus de nos villes. « De prime abord, c'est un sujet qui pourrait faire peur ou rire mais qui est parfaitement réaliste », explique Jean-Marc Brûlé, conseiller régional (Verts) en charge du développement durable, qui souhaite créer un consortium de plusieurs entreprises, universités et laboratoires de recherche afin que soit mis au point un prototype capable de transporter 30 tonnes de marchandises « d'ici cinq ans ».
lire la suite 

L'article du journal "Le Parisien" >>>>


Le journal "20 Minutes">>>    


Le journal "France-soir">>>


Airship designed to fly through remote skies  July 8, 2008

A Calgary company is spearheading development of a new aircraft, filled with helium and powered by four rotors, which will be used to move materials in remote areas including the Canadian North.

SkyHook International announced Tuesday that it will build the Jess Heavy Lifter (JHL-40) in conjunction with aircraft manufacturer Boeing Co.

The JHL-40 takes elements of a blimp and a helicopter to lift up to 40 tonnes in one load and travel up to 320 kilometres without refuelling. It will have a top speed of 70 knots.


Boeing Teams With Canadian Firm to Build Heavy-Lift Rotorcraft


Blackwater Airships tests new prototype    Friday, July 04, 2008
Unmanned ship can fly up to 48 hours

Blackwater Airships officials demonstrated Wednesday a prototype for an unmanned surveillance system that they say satisfies a growing need in aerial reconnaissance. The prototype, which is basically a 170-foot unmanned airship, was tested Wednesday afternoon outside the TCOM hangar in



Juin     - - -     June   >>>>>>   2008

NASA ARC Solicitation: Low-speed Control - Thruster Demonstration Flight Experiment Using The Aeros 40-D Airship

NASA/ARC has a requirement for Low-speed Control - Thruster Demonstration Flight Experiment Using the AEROS 40-D Airship

Conventional control surfaces, such as fins and canards, have quite limited control capability when air vehicles fly at low speeds (e.g., take-off and landing) or hover. Utilizing the moment generated by thrust is an efficient way to solve this problem. As for the thrust source, compressed cold gas, micro turboprop, and ducted fan are possible solutions. Aeros has done the preliminary design of the thruster nozzle, and implemented basic ground test using compressed air as the thrust source. During this project, Aeros 40D airship will be used as the flight demonstrator to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed method to low-speed and hover flight. The major tasks are listed as follows.


Blimp joins anti-smuggling patrols off Florida

MIAMI (Reuters) - With oil prices rising sky-high, the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard will test a helium-filled blimp to see if it can supplement the fuel-hungry aircraft that search the Florida Straits for smugglers and boats in distress.


The Navy is leasing a Skyship 600, about the size of a Boeing 747, for the six-week test mission between Florida's southern coast and Cuba, Coast Guard Lt. Matthew Moorlag said on Tuesday >>>more


Pedal-power 'Airship Man' foiled again

An amateur pilot is being frustrated in his attempt to become the first man to cross the English Channel in a pedal-powered airship.

Frenchman Stephane Rousson, 39, had hoped to make the journey from Lydd Airport to coastal village Wissant in France in his helium filled machine on Wednesday and again on Thursday, but was halted by bad weather conditions.

He has now postponed his attempt yet again because of high winds and hopes to make his flight sometime between June 9 and June 18.

He has also decided to change the venue for his take off to Dungeness beach where he thinks wind conditions will be more favourable.

~ Read the full story at >>>      


Zeppelin airships to fly over London again


A German airship operator is to start Zeppelin sightseeing flights over London's most famous landmarks from next month.

After two years of planning, five sightseeing flights of London onboard a Zeppelin airship will take off every day from July 10 and run for six weeks over summer.

The flights will take off from east London and climb to 2,000 ft above the Thames. The longest flights will see the airships cast shadows over Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament before returning to its base at Damyns Hall airfield, Upminster.

Tours will last between 30 minutes and an hour and will accommodate 12 passengers per flight, with every ticket offering a window seat in the 35-foot long cabin.>>>more


Frenchman foiled in cross-channel pedal power mission

An amateur pilot is being frustrated in his attempt to become the first man to cross the English Channel in a pedal-powered airship.

Frenchman Stephane Rousson, 39, had hoped to make the journey from Lydd Airport to coastal village Wissant in France in his helium-filled machine this week, but was halted twice by bad weather conditions.

He hopes his mission will now take off sometime between June 9 and June 18 and has decided to change the venue for his take-off to Dungeness beach.

He thinks wind conditions will be more favourable there.

Mr Rousson said: “There are tide problems, wind problems and convection problems.

“We also have the problem of the sunrise because the sun heats the gas in the balloon.

“I am still in high spirits though because I expected these difficulties."

On his journey Mr Rousson will travel just 100ft above water in his craft Zeppy, which is slightly heavier than air and has two tilting propellers powered from his seat.

Mr Rousson has spent five years preparing for his 34-mile trip in his blimp, which is 16 metres long and five metres high.


Could Zeppelin's airships soon be gracing our skies again?     

Germany is producing zeppelins again. More than 70 years after the infamous Hindenburg disaster, its latest airship was gently guided out of the hangar doors last month to make its maiden test flight.

The Zeppelin NT, built from endowment money left behind by German airship pioneer Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, will make further test flights around Friedrichshafen over the coming months, before flying to London - where a former contestant from The Apprentice, Rory Laing, plans to offer tourist joyrides over the capital for £150 a throw.


Re-Introducing the Airship     France considers a slower mode of luxury air travel

Most of us fly for speed, but French industrial designer Jean-Marie Massaud believes that slow cruising in an airship could be the next step in air travel. Massaud has sketched airships since the age of five, he says, and has since collaborated with major brands like Yves Saint Laurent and Yamaha to design, respectively, perfume bottles and submarines. Now he’s partnering with Onera, France’s space agency, to create the world’s first luxury airship. The design of the Manned Cloud calls for a double-decker, 5.6-million-square-foot airship shaped like a whale. Boasting a top speed of 105 mph and outfitted with all the amenities of a cruise ship, it would ferry 55 passengers from Paris to Madagascar in four days, offering a turbulence-free, unpressurized flight at an altitude of a mere 9,800 feet.>>>more


Mai     - - -     May   >>>>>>   2008

Un dirigeable robotisé pour aider les secouristes     Le 2 juin 2008     Futura-Sciences

Au salon aéronautique de Berlin, une équipe universitaire a présenté un dirigeable automatisé, capable de transporter des caméras et destiné aux secouristes qui fouillent le lieu d'une catastrophe, à la police ou encore sur un chantier. >>> lire la suite

The Airship

An autonomously flying airship as part of a team of cooperating robots can provide valuable information (terrain characteristics, hazard zones etc.) for the other robots operating on the ground and thus support them in many ways. Civil protection authorities as fire brigades, police or the German THW are interested in using autonomous or semi-autonomous airships for monitoring and surveillance as well as for measuring concentrations of certain toxic substances or pollutants in the air.
We added a Blimp (an airship without rigid skeleton) to our robot team in May 2006. The maiden flight on June 15th was used to determine some of the airship's parameters and its flight characteristics. During the following months, we developed a new and now patented propulsion system. It was first tested on May 23rd 2007.


La traversée de la Manche en ballon dirigeable à propulsion musculaire:

Stéphane ROUSSON  entre dans la dernière ligne droite


Stéphane Rousson partira demain matin Jeudi 29 mai 2008 de Paris pour Lydd d'où se fera le départ de la traversée.

La pression monte. Sa condition physique est optimale, les derniers réglages ont été faits. Létape finale de cette préparation, certainement la plus stressante pour le pilote, réside dans le gonflage du ballon (moment toujours très délicat) prévu le 3 juin à laéroport de Lydd. Ensuite, Stéphane devra prendre son mal en patience et attendre le bon créneau météorologique.

Il sera accompagné de son fidèle équipier Pierre Eddy Pinsole, autre passionné de ballon dirigeable, qui participe bénévolement au projet depuis plus d'un an et lui apporte toute l'assistance technique nécessaire pour la réalisation d'un tel projet.

Cette tentative de traversée de la Manche entre Lydd et Wissant (55km) nest pas sans risque puisque plusieurs paramètres doivent être pris en compte : un créneau météo rare, 12km/h de vent au maximum, sa direction doit être de secteur 280 (Ouest), la pression atmosphérique, la marée, la température de lair, et le rayonnement solaire seront également des variables à prendre en compte. Autre risque à gérer, le trafic maritime. Stéphane volera à 30 mètres daltitude pour éviter dêtre emporté par des courants ascendants, soit à la même hauteur que les cargos qui croisent dans le rail de la Manche (600 cargos empruntent chaque jour le rail) .  Son ballon, long de 16 mètres , gonflé par 160 mètres cubes dhélium nécessite beaucoup danticipation, Stéphane devra être très vigilant pour réussir sa traversée.

Pour toutes ces raisons, la tentative devrait avoir lieu en juin, lorsquune fenêtre météo le permettra et que toutes les conditions nécessaires à la réussite de ce défi seront réunies. Les dates retenues comme possibles sont les suivantes : 4,5,6 - 9,10,11 et du 17 au 20 juin.

Chef dentreprise, c'est en 2003 que Stéphane lance le projet Zeppy, ballon dirigeable à propulsion musculaire. Ce niçois dorigine, réalise le 14 mars 06 à Fréjus le premier vol au-dessus de la mer avec ce type dengin. Il se lance ensuite le défi de traverser la Manche à bord de cet appareil, une première mondiale. À travers ce projet, Stéphane souhaite sensibiliser le public aux énergies renouvelables et à lenvironnement.


Nous souhaitons bon courage à cet « aventurier volant » dont lexploit fera écho aux pionniers de laviation, une façon de rendre hommage à Louis Blériot qui fut le premier à traverser la Manche , il y a 100 ans à bord de son Blériot XI.

Contacts presse:


Pour Stéphane ROUSSON et AREXA :   ATHLETICA : Annick Avierinos 06 12 56 71 46 / 01 42 55 77 91

Pour DKN :   Alexandre Desmedt : 04 73 14 62 62 /06 21 60 10 70   Photos :   DPPI Arnaud Letrésor 01 41 49 00 20

Video :  Loic Tanant : 06 87 82 06 10



Government Representatives and Commercial Entities to Visit Airship Surveillance   Wednesday May 28
LAS VEGAS, NV--(MARKET WIRE)--May 28, 2008 -- WENR Corp. (Other OTC:WNRC.PK - News), announced today Airship Surveillance, a Nevada-based high technology airship company, will welcome representatives of three prospective clients during the month of June from the Defense, Homeland Security, and commercial communities.


Nouveau concept de dirigeable au salon international de l'aérospatial ILA 2008

A l'occasion du salon international de l'aérospatial ILA 2008 qui se tiendra à Berlin du 27 mai au 1er juin 2008, l'Université Technique (TU) de Chemnitz présentera un nouveau concept de dirigeable destiné à apporter un soutien aux équipes de secours. Ce nouveau concept a été développé à la chaire d'automatisation des procédés de la TU de Chemnitz. Le dirigeable fait 10m de long, son plus grand diamètre fait 2,5 m et sa capacité de charge est de 12kg. Ce modèle a été construit en partenariat avec l'entreprise berlinoise RECON Group, prestataire de solutions de sécurité et de surveillance. Equipé de capteurs et de caméras, le dirigeable serait idéal pour le soutien d'équipes d'intervention au sol, en permettant aux pompiers et policiers de mieux coordonner leurs actions. Ce dirigeable serait plus intéressant que les hélicoptères en particulier pour des prises de vues de télévision car les caméras ne seraient pas soumis à de fortes vibrations.


First Flight of New Zeppelin (NT07 N°4) Airship Completed         Thursday May 22

Airship to Enter Commercial Service in June, Head for US in September


FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, GERMANY and MOFFETT FIELD, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 22, 2008 -- Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik and Airship Ventures today announced the successful first flight of the fourth, and latest, Zeppelin NT airship over Friedrichshafen, Germany.

Construction of the fourth Zeppelin NT airship having recently been completed, the ship was handed over to the flight test department to begin the testing phase. The hangar doors opened and the airship left the 360 foot long hangar for the first time since the start of airframe assembly in March 2007. >>>more

Photos >>>>

May 15, 2008 Los Angeles, California

Today Aeros announced the beginning of the final assembly of the Aeros 40D Sky Dragon airship, manufacturing s/n 21.

With the Aeroscraft ML866 program rapidly moving forward, the technology demonstrator Aeros 40D will play a significant role in the overall process. The program will utilize the Aeros 40D Lighter-than-Air vehicle as a flying test bed to accelerate and mitigate risks in the Aeroscraft program.  A variety of flight experiments will be conducted to demonstrate and flight-qualify the key enabling technologies and systems such as the buoyancy managements system, low speed control system, flight management system and variety of flight critical subsystems.


















Airship Ventures Completes $8 Million Series A Financing        Wednesday May 7

Zeppelin Airship to Begin USA Operations This Fall

MOFFETT FIELD, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 7, 2008 -- Airship Ventures, a privately held corporation formed to bring Zeppelin NT airship operations to the USA, today announced that it had closed its Series A Preferred Stock financing on Monday with investments from six individuals. Terms of the financing were not disclosed.

Brian Hall, President of Airship Ventures, commented, "Achieving this significant milestone allows us complete our acquisition of the Zeppelin NT and to finalize preparations for commencing airship operations in the fall." more>>



Airship Surveillance Receives First Contract With Government Contractor      Monday May 5

LAS VEGAS, NV--(MARKET WIRE)--May 5, 2008 -- Airship Surveillance (AirSur), a Nevada-based high technology aerospace company, which also has a letter of intent to be acquired by WENR Corp. (Other OTC:WNRC.PK - News), stated today that it has received its first signed contract with a government contractor.


Spinning Blimp Wind Turbines Take Test Flight!

Magenn Power's MARS is a Wind Power Anywhere™ solution with distinct advantages over existing Conventional Wind Turbines and Diesel Generating Systems including: global deployment, lower costs, better operational performance, and greater environmental advantages.

Video >>> 


















TRANSMANCHE 2008, Essais dans le hangar d'ECAUSSEVILLE.

La Première Traversée de la Manche en ballon dirigeable à propulsion Musculaire à bord du "DKN  Technology "     Vidéo >>>

Fin Mai, début Juin si la météo est bonne.

Voir la suite sur :


TRANSMANCHE 2008, Test flight in ECAUSSEVILLE's hangar.
The First Crossing of La Manche in airship with Muscular powered aboard the " DKN TECHNOLOGY " 
Early of June 


Avril     - - -     April   >>>>>>   2008

High Altitude Airship gets new life with Army

Lockheed Martin's High Altitude Airship has yet to fly.

But it just moved.

The Akron-based airship program was successfully transferred from the Department of Defense's Missile Defense Agency to the Army's Space and Missile Defense Command, according to the company and public officials.

The change keeps the program in development and will keep jobs in Akron, according to Lockheed Martin, U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Niles, and Summit County Executive Russ Pry.

Lockheed Martin anticipates building an airship prototype at the Akron Airdock, with an initial demonstration flight possible in 2009. The defense contractor several years ago was awarded a $149.2 million federal contract to design and build the airship, but the program has been delayed because of shifts in priorities and related funding uncertainties.


R&D1 Airship Begins Second Phase of Testing

Airship Surveillance Inc's R&D1 airship began the second of three phases of testing on Friday April 4th. This phase of testing builds on the experiance gained on previous flights and introduces the use of bow thrusters for control at low speeds.

The airship performed extremely well during the flights, demonstrating a very high level of control.

A video of the test fligh has been unloaded on You Tube and photos and video of the flight will be featured on the web site early next week.


Mars     - - -     March   >>>>>>   2008

L15 Airship


The L15 is the first airship to be fully optomized for surveillance missions. Its advanced design will enable operation at 15,000 feet with payloads as great as 1000lbs, durations up to 50 hours and speeds of 60 knots.


Syngenta Seed Care™ is celebrating its third season of AVICTA® Complete Cotton seed treatment helping fields reach higher yield potential with a blimp tour of the South.

Blimp adventure a thrill for chronically ill children


Février     - - -     February   >>>>>>   2008

Ambient Media brings 75m Zeppelin to London    25-Feb-08

Ambient Media is bringing the world's largest Zeppelin to London this summer. The 75m airship will be available for advertisers to use from July 1 for a month.

It is the first time a Zeppelin has been in the UK since the Thirties and the agency is seeking a "dominant, confident brand" to take sign up. The ship will cruise from Chelsea Harbour and Canary Wharf at a hight of 300m and Ambient Media claims that it will "attract an audience of millions every day".

The advertising space available is 40m by 60m and the agency expects one brand to take the 28 day campaign.

Ambient Media managing director, Craig Curlionis, says the Zeppelin will be "one of the most spectacular advertising sites in London" and "will dominate the city's skies". It will also be flying over 150 passenger flights during the month.

He adds: "The Zeppelin will be ideal for dominant, confident brands that want to make bold statements to their audiences."


Luxury Airship Lets Tourists Enjoy the High Life    February 07, 2008

Hovering high over a jungle while sipping a cocktail -- it sounds like a dream but could soon become reality, if designer Jean-Marie Massaud has his way. His bold vision of a luxury airship hotel in the shape of a huge white whale could usher in a new era of eco-friendly tourism.

French designer Jean-Marie Massaud has a vision, one which looks like a huge white whale with flippers and flukes. The futuristic Moby Dick is actually an airship containing a luxury hotel. Guests of the "Manned Cloud," as the ambitious project is called, will be able to enjoy the world's most beautiful sights from up on high -- if the project ever gets off the ground.,5538,PB64-SUQ9Mjg3MzUmbnI9NA_3_3,00.html


Jean-Louis Etienne retournera au Pôle Nord en 2009   Europe-1  samedi 2 février 2008 11h53

Après une mission compromise par un accident de son ballon dirigeable, l'explorateur français s'obstine. Jean-Louis Etienne a affirmé ce samedi vouloir retourner au pôle Nord dans un entretien à Aujourd'hui en France/Le Parisien. Cette nouvelle aventure pourrait avoir lieu en 2009.

Jean-Louis Etienne persévère... Alors que la mission de l'explorateur, qui devait mesurer la banquise du pôle Nord en avril, a été annulée fin janvier, il dit ce samedi dans le quotidien Aujourd'hui en France/Le Parisien vouloir "retourner au pôle Nord en 2009".

Son ballon dirigeable s'était écrasé sur une maison après avoir été emporté par le vent, à l'aérodrome de Fayence, à la fin du mois de janvier. Un accident fatale à Jean-Louis Etienne qui a dû annuler son aventure...

Pour réaliser sa mission, Jean-Louis Etienne a dit qu'il ne pourrait construire un nouvel engin. "Il existe deux autres dirigeables dans le monde comparables en taille: un aux Etats-Unis et un en Angleterre", a-t-il expliqué. "Nous allons essayer de racheter l'un de ces deux engins et de le préparer pour la mission", a-t-il confié.


Janvier     - - -     January   >>>>>>   2008


«Le dirigeable de "TOTAL POLE AIRSHIP" est fichu»    22/01/2008  Le Figaro  

Le ballon dirigeable avec lequel l'explorateur Jean-Louis Etienne devait effectuer une mission au-dessus de l'océan Arctique, s'est décroché de son amarrage mardi matin, sur l'aérodrome de Fayence, dans le Var. Après avoir heurté deux véhicules puis une première maison, il a totalement enveloppé une seconde habitation, située à environ 500 mètres du lieu d'amarage, dans la commune voisine de Tourettes, dont la toiture a été sérieusement endommagée.

L'accident n'a pas fait de victimes mais occasionné une belle frayeur aux deux occupants de la maison en question, dérangés en plein sommeil. "A 6H25, j'ai été réveillé par deux 'boum' successifs. Je suis tombé de mon lit. Je suis descendu au rez-de-chaussée et j'ai vu la cabine du dirigeable qui était plantée à l'entrée de la villa. Ma femme a fait une crise de nerfs", a déclaré le propriétaire de la maison Pierre Waldvogel. Une forte odeur de gaz, provenant de l'hélium du ballon, a envahi la maison. "J'ai immédiatement fait sortir ma femme, en chemise de nuit", explique Pierre Waldvogel qui raconte au que le mat d'amarrage du dirigeable a littéralement déraciné un sapin haut de 10 mètres avant d'envelopper la maison.

Quant au dirigeable, il est désormais totalement hors-service.  Jean-Louis Etienne s'est rendu sur place. La mission est "compromise, le dirigeable est détruit. Il n'est pas réparable", a indiqué l'explorateur, visiblement ému.Jean-Louis Etienne n'a pas dit que la mission était définitivement annulée: "On a la volonté de continuer. Nous allons avoir une prochaine réunion avec les partenaires pour voir la visibilité du projet. On ne va pas abandonner", a-t-il dit.




Expedition Total Pole Airship de Jean Louis Etienne, 5° partie. Vols du dirigeable à Fayence. Janvier 2008          

21/01/2008  Reportage photos de Stéphane Compoint,580,fr_FR.html












































































































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